7 Benefits of Proper Medication Management
Medication Management: Is it as Easy as It Sounds? How many people worldwide take medication? A Centres for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC) report conducted in 2015-18 states that 24% of people rely on three or more drugs every month. At least 12.8% take five or more prescription medications to manage diseases or disorders. Now […]

Enabling Proper Medication Management With Healthcare Apps
Skipping your medication once is understandable; twice is forgivable, but more often than not is very risky. Medication non-adherence is no joke. Studies warn that it is the culprit behind more than 125,000 deaths and the reason for almost half of the treatment failures in the US alone. There appears to be a solution in […]

Navigating Childhood Challenges To Manage Mental Health Struggles and Building Resilience
In the city of Globalville, a vibrant community with its fair share of challenges, lived a young girl named Tamara. Her journey through childhood was damaged by various situations that contributed to the development of mental health issues. At home, Tamara faced a series of negative experiences that left lasting imprints on her young mind. […]

Vital Information for Patients & Caregivers
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a respiratory disorder that encompasses two conditions: Chronic Bronchitis and Emphysema. As time goes on, COPD gradually makes breathing more difficult. In the United States alone, it is estimated to affect around 16 million individuals. This condition primarily targets people aged 45 and above. It is crucial to note […]

Transforming Cardiovascular Care: Telehealth for Heart Disease
Telehealth has emerged as a game-changer in the field of healthcare, revolutionizing the way we deliver medical services. By leveraging technologies such as video support or structured telephone and remote monitoring of implantable or wearable devices, telehealth enables the remote delivery of healthcare services. This innovative approach has significantly improved the convenience and availability of […]

Shielding Your Little One: Why Every Child Needs Vaccines
It is hard to imagine the quality of life today if it weren’t for vaccines. It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to state that vaccines have blessed humanity with the ability to live healthier, longer lives. Vaccination has come a long way since it was introduced in the 1700s. From then to now, they have played […]