Under The Spotlight: Prevalence of Anemia in Adolescent Girls
Anemia is a health condition that can occur in men, women, and young children, irrespective of age. On a global scale, it is considered to be the most common nutritional disorder. It is, however, shocking to know that in a fast-developing nation like India, Anemia is highly prevalent amongst young teen girls between the ages […]

Love Your Bones To Protect Your Future
World Osteoporosis Day is observed on the 20th October each year to focus on the nutritional needs of our skeletal system as well as spread awareness on the importance of exercise for people of all ages to enjoy healthy,

The Mosquito Menace: Protect Yourself From Dengue Fever
Against the backdrop of the Covid19 pandemic coming in waves, there is another silent but steadily rising health threat. In recent weeks, Dengue fever has taken centre stage. This mosquito-borne vector disease is a common occurrence in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Dengue (pronounced DENG-GEY) is dangerous. If not treated on time, […]