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Safeguarding Vision - Prioritizing Diabetes and Eye Health

March 18, 2024 12:40 pm
REAN Foundation

In the fight against diabetes, it is vital to keep an eye on more than just glucose levels. Your sight, a precious sense, could be at risk due to high sugar in the blood, which may harm the eye's fine vessels and cause issues like cataracts and glaucoma, as well as the well-known diabetic retinopathy. As we observe Diabetes Awareness Month, It is crucial to grasp how diabetes affects eye wellness. Take to heart the advice and preventive tactics shared here to shield your sight, ensuring a bright outlook for years to come.

Understanding Diabetes and Eye Health Risks

If diabetes is part of your life, grasping the tie between this condition and eye wellness is key. Blood sugar spikes can harm the small vessels in your eyes, possibly leading to severe issues. For those with diabetes, risks include:

  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma

Realizing these dangers is step one. It is just as key to having a solid health ally for managing them and staying well overall. The tie between diabetes and eye health is a serious matter. As the American Diabetes Association points out, diabetic retinopathy is a top cause of blindness in adults of working age. Being aware and actively managing can cut this risk a lot. This highlights the need to manage blood sugar to protect your sight.

Statistics offer a stark view - over 30 million in the United States live with diabetes, and another 80 million could develop it. The impact on eye health is huge, with diabetic eye diseases often lacking signs until they are far along.

Some folks have more risk for diabetic retinopathy, including:

Expecting mothers
People who find blood sugar control tough

Looking after your sight means more than blood sugar checks. It also means regular exams are needed to catch any problems early.

The Necessity of Regular Eye Exams for Diabetics

Living with diabetes, you may be aware of the risks to your eyes. But were you aware that early-stage diabetic eye disease often lacks symptoms? This is why yearly detailed exams with pupil dilation are not just suggested. They are a must in your health care plan. The CDC highlights the need for these exams, saying people with diabetes should get a full vision check, including a retinal exam with dilation, once a year. Many eye issues are not obvious, so regular checks are vital.

During these exams, eye doctors can spot signs of harm before your vision changes. This forward-looking approach is crucial for stopping sight loss. For instance, early signs of diabetic retinopathy can be found and handled before they get worse, keeping your sight safe.

It is key to plan these eye exams routinely and not wait for sight issues to show up. With new health tech, patients now have access to more advanced eye care options. These developments aid early detection and treatment, which can greatly help keep eyes healthy.

It is equally key to keeping blood sugar well managed, along with regular eye checks, as this plays a big part in keeping eyes healthy.

Managing Blood Sugar to Protect Eye Health

It is crucial to keep blood sugar within the set range to shield your eyes from damage caused by diabetes. High sugar can hurt the small vessels in your retina, leading to issues like diabetic retinopathy. A recent research found that stable blood glucose can lower the risk of diabetic retinopathy by 27%, showing the importance of glucose control.

To highlight blood sugar control's role in protecting eye wellness, consider these points:

The A1C test is vital for diabetes management, with a goal of A1C under 7%.
Regular blood sugar checks are key, and health-tracking tools can help.

While focusing on blood sugar management, it is also key to remember that overall health, including blood pressure and cholesterol, plays a big part in eye health. The A1C test is a key diabetes management tool that intends to keep A1C below 7%. Keeping an eye on blood sugar levels is vital. To manage blood sugar well, think about using health-tracking tools.

For those planning a trip, managing blood sugar while away is crucial. Find handy advice by reading 6 Tips For Managing Blood Sugar During A Vacation.

As you focus on blood sugar, remember that your overall health, including blood pressure and cholesterol, plays a role in keeping your eyes healthy and preventing further issues.

Managing Blood Pressure and Cholesterol for Eye Health

High blood pressure and cholesterol can be very damaging to eye health, especially for those with diabetes. These issues can cause complications like diabetic retinopathy, where poor blood flow harms the retina and increases the risk of losing sight.

Choosing a heart-friendly diet with lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains and cutting down on saturated fats and cholesterol can make a big impact. Regular exercise is another key to managing blood pressure and cholesterol. It helps maintain a healthy weight and improves the functioning of your circulatory system, including your eyes' delicate vessels.

Following your health care provider's plan and taking your medications as directed is key to protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of unchecked blood pressure and cholesterol.

Diet, Exercise, and Smoking's Impact on Diabetic Eye Health

Your life choices directly affect diabetes management and eye health support. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Eating a balanced diet with fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins can help keep blood sugar steady.
Regular exercise, like a 30-minute walk or bike ride on most days, is also key for overall well-being and eye health.
Smoking increases the risk of diabetic retinopathy and other eye issues, and quitting is important for both your eye health and overall health.

Building better habits is key, but keeping an eye out for any sight changes is also critical for timely medical help.
As you work on these life choices, think about how better habits can lead to a healthier, longer life.

Also, read Importance Of Building Better Habits For Healthy Long Life for more insights.

Identifying and Acting on Diabetic Eye Emergencies

With diabetes, it is key to stay sharp about eye health. Some symptoms can mean an emergency needing fast medical help. For example, if you suddenly see flashes or a lot more floaters. Those tiny spots or threads in your vision could be a sign of something serious, like a retinal detachment. This is when the retina, the part at the back of your eye that senses light and sends pictures to your brain, comes away from where it should be. A retinal detachment is an emergency that can cause lasting sight loss if not handled fast.

If you face any of these scary symptoms, act fast. Get in touch with your eye doctor or head to the emergency room right away. Do not wait to see if the symptoms will go away on their own. When it comes to your vision, it is best to play it safe.

While fast action is key in an eye emergency, ongoing protective steps are also vital to keep your vision safe from daily risks.

UV Protection and Safety Eyewear for Diabetic Eye Care

Shielding your eyes from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays is key, especially with diabetes. Wearing shades that block 100% of UV rays can help stop issues like cataracts and keep diabetic retinopathy from getting worse. If your activities might hurt your eyes, make sure to wear protective glasses. These steps are vital for keeping your eyes healthy.

Fostering Community Support for Diabetic Eye Health

As Diabetes Awareness Month unfolds, it is a key time to spread the word about prevention. Joining in on local happenings and support groups can give resources and friendship to those with diabetes. By getting into community happenings, you can meet others and learn from their stories. Reach out to local health groups or diabetes support networks, which often have workshops and events focused on eye health. By going to these happenings, you not only learn a lot but also join a bigger push for better health results. While doing your part is important, joining forces through community support can make the message louder and make a healthier world for all.

Empowering Your Vision with Proactive Health Measures

With diabetes, you have an important task to watch over your vision with care. Use the power of early finding by planning regular eye checks and staying healthy with the right life choices. Remember, handling diabetes is not just a solo trip. It is a journey made clearer with front runners like the REAN HealthGuru. Together, you can pave a clearer way for both eye health and general wellness. Begin your path to better health with us, and help create a world where medical newness and full care light up the future of health care.


How does diabetes affect overall eye health?

Diabetes can damage the eyes over time and lead to vision loss or even blindness, primarily due to high blood sugar levels harming blood vessels in the eyes.

  • Primary eye conditions associated with diabetes include diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, cataracts, and glaucoma.
  • Diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of adult blindness, damages the retina's blood vessels.
  • Risk factors include prolonged diabetes duration, poor control of blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and smoking.
  • Prevention and early detection are crucial, achieved through annual dilated eye exams and managing diabetes.
  • Treatments include laser therapy, VEGF inhibitors, and surgeries like vitrectomy and retina reattachment.

Maintaining good blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, quitting smoking, and regular physical activity protect eye health.

What are the best ways to protect eye health for someone with diabetes?

  1. Manage diabetes by maintaining proper blood sugar levels to prevent damage to blood vessels in the eyes.
  2. Exercise regularly to lower blood sugar and blood pressure and increase HDL cholesterol.
  3. Eat foods rich in Omega-3s and antioxidants to protect against eye inflammation and promote vascular health.
  4. Minimize stress through relaxation techniques like meditation to control blood glucose and blood pressure.
  5. Stay hydrated with water instead of high-sugar drinks to manage blood sugar levels.
  6. Protect eyes from UV rays using sunglasses that block 99% of UV-A and UV-B radiation.
  7. Follow medication instructions precisely for proper diabetes management.
  8. Increase fiber intake with foods like oatmeal, whole grains, beans, and fruits.
  9. Avoid smoking to reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy and cataracts.
  10. Have an annual dilated eye exam to catch and address eye health issues early.

How do diabetics keep their eyes healthy?

Diabetic Eye Health Tips

  • Get an annual dilated eye exam for early detection and treatment.
  • Manage blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
  • Avoid smoking to reduce the risk of eye diseases.
  • Stay physically active to help manage diabetes.
  • Include more omega-3s in your diet for potential eye benefits.
  • Minimize stress through practices like meditation.
  • Stay hydrated with water to avoid high blood sugar levels.
  • Protect eyes from UV rays with sunglasses.
  • Follow medication directions correctly to manage blood sugar.
  • Maintain a diet rich in fiber and nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin.
  • Be alert for vision changes and consult your eye doctor immediately.

What is the most effective method for preventing diabetic retinopathy?

Preventing diabetic retinopathy involves multiple risk factor management strategies, which include:

  1. Monitoring and managing blood glucose levels effectively
  2. Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control
  3. Maintaining a healthy diet, focusing on reducing salt, fat, and sugar intake
  4. Striving for a healthy weight, aiming for a BMI within the 18.5-24.9 range
  5. Staying physically active, with at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly
  6. Quitting smoking
  7. Limited alcohol consumption, adhering to recommended guidelines
  8. Regular monitoring by the diabetes care team for target blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
  9. Undergoing regular diabetic eye screening appointments for early detection
  10. Contacting a healthcare provider immediately for any new eye symptoms or vision changes

Medications may also be prescribed to help manage blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

What are the early signs of diabetes-related eye health issues?

  • Blurry or wavy vision
  • Frequently changing vision—sometimes from day to day
  • Dark areas or vision loss
  • Poor color vision
  • Spots or dark strings (floaters)
  • Flashes of light

How does REAN HealthGuru assist in managing diabetes to promote eye health?

  • Monitors health parameters linked to eye diseases.
  • Provides educational content on maintaining eye health.
  • Assists with medication management relevant to eye care.
  • Offers tips on nutrition to support eye health.
  • Encourages regular eye exams, including annual dilated retinal exams.
  • Helps track progress towards health goals.
  • Supports users with tools to reduce stress and build mindfulness, indirectly benefiting eye health.

Can diabetes and eye health complications be reversed with proper care?

  • Proper management of diabetes may prevent or delay diabetic retinopathy and other eye issues.
  • Controlling blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol is essential.
  • Regular comprehensive dilated eye exams can catch eye diseases early.
  • Treatments, including injections, laser therapy, and surgery, can stop vision loss progression.
  • Early-stage diabetic retinopathy treatment has the potential to partially restore vision.
  • An annual examination is crucial for detecting and addressing complications early.

Are there specific foods that support eye health for diabetics?

  • Fish: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
  • Leafy Green Vegetables: High in lutein and zeaxanthin, essential for protecting the eyes. Includes kale, spinach, and broccoli.
  • Fruits: Fresh fruits, especially those rich in vitamin A, such as oranges, berries, and mangoes.
  • Whole Grains: Options like brown rice, quinoa, and oats help manage blood sugar levels.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Sources of healthy fats and vitamins, including walnuts and flaxseed.
  • Mediterranean Diet: Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Ensuring adequate intake of vitamins A, C, E, and minerals like zinc and selenium from natural food sources.

Note: While these foods are believed to support eye health, there are no guarantees that they will prevent complications. Always consult with healthcare professionals.

In the fight against diabetes, it is vital to keep an eye on more than just glucose levels. Your sight, a precious sense, could be at risk due to high sugar in the blood, which may harm the eye's fine vessels and cause issues like cataracts and glaucoma, as well as the well-known diabetic retinopathy. As we observe Diabetes Awareness Month, It is crucial to grasp how diabetes affects eye wellness. Take to heart the advice and preventive tactics shared here to shield your sight, ensuring a bright outlook for years to come.

Understanding Diabetes and Eye Health Risks

If diabetes is part of your life, grasping the tie between this condition and eye wellness is key. Blood sugar spikes can harm the small vessels in your eyes, possibly leading to severe issues. For those with diabetes, risks include:

  • Diabetic retinopathy
  • Cataracts
  • Glaucoma

Realizing these dangers is step one. It is just as key to having a solid health ally for managing them and staying well overall. The tie between diabetes and eye health is a serious matter. As the American Diabetes Association points out, diabetic retinopathy is a top cause of blindness in adults of working age. Being aware and actively managing can cut this risk a lot. This highlights the need to manage blood sugar to protect your sight.

Statistics offer a stark view - over 30 million in the United States live with diabetes, and another 80 million could develop it. The impact on eye health is huge, with diabetic eye diseases often lacking signs until they are far along.

Some folks have more risk for diabetic retinopathy, including:

Expecting mothers
People who find blood sugar control tough

Looking after your sight means more than blood sugar checks. It also means regular exams are needed to catch any problems early.

The Necessity of Regular Eye Exams for Diabetics

Living with diabetes, you may be aware of the risks to your eyes. But were you aware that early-stage diabetic eye disease often lacks symptoms? This is why yearly detailed exams with pupil dilation are not just suggested. They are a must in your health care plan. The CDC highlights the need for these exams, saying people with diabetes should get a full vision check, including a retinal exam with dilation, once a year. Many eye issues are not obvious, so regular checks are vital.

During these exams, eye doctors can spot signs of harm before your vision changes. This forward-looking approach is crucial for stopping sight loss. For instance, early signs of diabetic retinopathy can be found and handled before they get worse, keeping your sight safe.

It is key to plan these eye exams routinely and not wait for sight issues to show up. With new health tech, patients now have access to more advanced eye care options. These developments aid early detection and treatment, which can greatly help keep eyes healthy.

It is equally key to keeping blood sugar well managed, along with regular eye checks, as this plays a big part in keeping eyes healthy.

Managing Blood Sugar to Protect Eye Health

It is crucial to keep blood sugar within the set range to shield your eyes from damage caused by diabetes. High sugar can hurt the small vessels in your retina, leading to issues like diabetic retinopathy. A recent research found that stable blood glucose can lower the risk of diabetic retinopathy by 27%, showing the importance of glucose control.

To highlight blood sugar control's role in protecting eye wellness, consider these points:

The A1C test is vital for diabetes management, with a goal of A1C under 7%.
Regular blood sugar checks are key, and health-tracking tools can help.

While focusing on blood sugar management, it is also key to remember that overall health, including blood pressure and cholesterol, plays a big part in eye health. The A1C test is a key diabetes management tool that intends to keep A1C below 7%. Keeping an eye on blood sugar levels is vital. To manage blood sugar well, think about using health-tracking tools.

For those planning a trip, managing blood sugar while away is crucial. Find handy advice by reading 6 Tips For Managing Blood Sugar During A Vacation.

As you focus on blood sugar, remember that your overall health, including blood pressure and cholesterol, plays a role in keeping your eyes healthy and preventing further issues.

Managing Blood Pressure and Cholesterol for Eye Health

High blood pressure and cholesterol can be very damaging to eye health, especially for those with diabetes. These issues can cause complications like diabetic retinopathy, where poor blood flow harms the retina and increases the risk of losing sight.

Choosing a heart-friendly diet with lots of fruits, veggies, and whole grains and cutting down on saturated fats and cholesterol can make a big impact. Regular exercise is another key to managing blood pressure and cholesterol. It helps maintain a healthy weight and improves the functioning of your circulatory system, including your eyes' delicate vessels.

Following your health care provider's plan and taking your medications as directed is key to protecting your eyes from the harmful effects of unchecked blood pressure and cholesterol.

Diet, Exercise, and Smoking's Impact on Diabetic Eye Health

Your life choices directly affect diabetes management and eye health support. Here are some key things to keep in mind:

Eating a balanced diet with fruits, veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins can help keep blood sugar steady.
Regular exercise, like a 30-minute walk or bike ride on most days, is also key for overall well-being and eye health.
Smoking increases the risk of diabetic retinopathy and other eye issues, and quitting is important for both your eye health and overall health.

Building better habits is key, but keeping an eye out for any sight changes is also critical for timely medical help.
As you work on these life choices, think about how better habits can lead to a healthier, longer life.

Also, read Importance Of Building Better Habits For Healthy Long Life for more insights.

Identifying and Acting on Diabetic Eye Emergencies

With diabetes, it is key to stay sharp about eye health. Some symptoms can mean an emergency needing fast medical help. For example, if you suddenly see flashes or a lot more floaters. Those tiny spots or threads in your vision could be a sign of something serious, like a retinal detachment. This is when the retina, the part at the back of your eye that senses light and sends pictures to your brain, comes away from where it should be. A retinal detachment is an emergency that can cause lasting sight loss if not handled fast.

If you face any of these scary symptoms, act fast. Get in touch with your eye doctor or head to the emergency room right away. Do not wait to see if the symptoms will go away on their own. When it comes to your vision, it is best to play it safe.

While fast action is key in an eye emergency, ongoing protective steps are also vital to keep your vision safe from daily risks.

UV Protection and Safety Eyewear for Diabetic Eye Care

Shielding your eyes from the sun's harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays is key, especially with diabetes. Wearing shades that block 100% of UV rays can help stop issues like cataracts and keep diabetic retinopathy from getting worse. If your activities might hurt your eyes, make sure to wear protective glasses. These steps are vital for keeping your eyes healthy.

Fostering Community Support for Diabetic Eye Health

As Diabetes Awareness Month unfolds, it is a key time to spread the word about prevention. Joining in on local happenings and support groups can give resources and friendship to those with diabetes. By getting into community happenings, you can meet others and learn from their stories. Reach out to local health groups or diabetes support networks, which often have workshops and events focused on eye health. By going to these happenings, you not only learn a lot but also join a bigger push for better health results. While doing your part is important, joining forces through community support can make the message louder and make a healthier world for all.

Empowering Your Vision with Proactive Health Measures

With diabetes, you have an important task to watch over your vision with care. Use the power of early finding by planning regular eye checks and staying healthy with the right life choices. Remember, handling diabetes is not just a solo trip. It is a journey made clearer with front runners like the REAN HealthGuru. Together, you can pave a clearer way for both eye health and general wellness. Begin your path to better health with us, and help create a world where medical newness and full care light up the future of health care.


How does diabetes affect overall eye health?

Diabetes can damage the eyes over time and lead to vision loss or even blindness, primarily due to high blood sugar levels harming blood vessels in the eyes.

  • Primary eye conditions associated with diabetes include diabetic retinopathy, macular edema, cataracts, and glaucoma.
  • Diabetic retinopathy, a leading cause of adult blindness, damages the retina's blood vessels.
  • Risk factors include prolonged diabetes duration, poor control of blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, and smoking.
  • Prevention and early detection are crucial, achieved through annual dilated eye exams and managing diabetes.
  • Treatments include laser therapy, VEGF inhibitors, and surgeries like vitrectomy and retina reattachment.

Maintaining good blood sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, quitting smoking, and regular physical activity protect eye health.

What are the best ways to protect eye health for someone with diabetes?

  1. Manage diabetes by maintaining proper blood sugar levels to prevent damage to blood vessels in the eyes.
  2. Exercise regularly to lower blood sugar and blood pressure and increase HDL cholesterol.
  3. Eat foods rich in Omega-3s and antioxidants to protect against eye inflammation and promote vascular health.
  4. Minimize stress through relaxation techniques like meditation to control blood glucose and blood pressure.
  5. Stay hydrated with water instead of high-sugar drinks to manage blood sugar levels.
  6. Protect eyes from UV rays using sunglasses that block 99% of UV-A and UV-B radiation.
  7. Follow medication instructions precisely for proper diabetes management.
  8. Increase fiber intake with foods like oatmeal, whole grains, beans, and fruits.
  9. Avoid smoking to reduce the risk of diabetic retinopathy and cataracts.
  10. Have an annual dilated eye exam to catch and address eye health issues early.

How do diabetics keep their eyes healthy?

Diabetic Eye Health Tips

  • Get an annual dilated eye exam for early detection and treatment.
  • Manage blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.
  • Avoid smoking to reduce the risk of eye diseases.
  • Stay physically active to help manage diabetes.
  • Include more omega-3s in your diet for potential eye benefits.
  • Minimize stress through practices like meditation.
  • Stay hydrated with water to avoid high blood sugar levels.
  • Protect eyes from UV rays with sunglasses.
  • Follow medication directions correctly to manage blood sugar.
  • Maintain a diet rich in fiber and nutrients like lutein and zeaxanthin.
  • Be alert for vision changes and consult your eye doctor immediately.

What is the most effective method for preventing diabetic retinopathy?

Preventing diabetic retinopathy involves multiple risk factor management strategies, which include:

  1. Monitoring and managing blood glucose levels effectively
  2. Keeping blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control
  3. Maintaining a healthy diet, focusing on reducing salt, fat, and sugar intake
  4. Striving for a healthy weight, aiming for a BMI within the 18.5-24.9 range
  5. Staying physically active, with at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise weekly
  6. Quitting smoking
  7. Limited alcohol consumption, adhering to recommended guidelines
  8. Regular monitoring by the diabetes care team for target blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels
  9. Undergoing regular diabetic eye screening appointments for early detection
  10. Contacting a healthcare provider immediately for any new eye symptoms or vision changes

Medications may also be prescribed to help manage blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

What are the early signs of diabetes-related eye health issues?

  • Blurry or wavy vision
  • Frequently changing vision—sometimes from day to day
  • Dark areas or vision loss
  • Poor color vision
  • Spots or dark strings (floaters)
  • Flashes of light

How does REAN HealthGuru assist in managing diabetes to promote eye health?

  • Monitors health parameters linked to eye diseases.
  • Provides educational content on maintaining eye health.
  • Assists with medication management relevant to eye care.
  • Offers tips on nutrition to support eye health.
  • Encourages regular eye exams, including annual dilated retinal exams.
  • Helps track progress towards health goals.
  • Supports users with tools to reduce stress and build mindfulness, indirectly benefiting eye health.

Can diabetes and eye health complications be reversed with proper care?

  • Proper management of diabetes may prevent or delay diabetic retinopathy and other eye issues.
  • Controlling blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol is essential.
  • Regular comprehensive dilated eye exams can catch eye diseases early.
  • Treatments, including injections, laser therapy, and surgery, can stop vision loss progression.
  • Early-stage diabetic retinopathy treatment has the potential to partially restore vision.
  • An annual examination is crucial for detecting and addressing complications early.

Are there specific foods that support eye health for diabetics?

  • Fish: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, especially oily fish like salmon, mackerel, and sardines.
  • Leafy Green Vegetables: High in lutein and zeaxanthin, essential for protecting the eyes. Includes kale, spinach, and broccoli.
  • Fruits: Fresh fruits, especially those rich in vitamin A, such as oranges, berries, and mangoes.
  • Whole Grains: Options like brown rice, quinoa, and oats help manage blood sugar levels.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Sources of healthy fats and vitamins, including walnuts and flaxseed.
  • Mediterranean Diet: Consuming a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats.
  • Vitamins and Minerals: Ensuring adequate intake of vitamins A, C, E, and minerals like zinc and selenium from natural food sources.

Note: While these foods are believed to support eye health, there are no guarantees that they will prevent complications. Always consult with healthcare professionals.

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REAN Foundation

REAN Foundation is committed to create technology solutions to help you take ownership, make smarter choices and be empowered to manage your health independently.

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