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REAN Smart Pillbox Companion

Seamless Medication and Hydration Monitoring in a Single Device

Medication adherence is vital for effective treatment, yet many patients struggle to remember their daily schedules, leading to missed doses and serious health risks. Inconsistent medication intake can jeopardize health, making reliable reminders essential for maintaining well-being.

In collaboration with IIT Ropar, REAN Foundation has developed an innovative pillbox prototype, designed to provide timely reminders and support patients in adhering to their medication schedules. This device, integrated into a water bottle, not only ensures that patients take the correct medication at the right time by simply setting the day and time but also tracks daily water intake. This simple yet powerful solution will significantly improve medication and hydration adherence, helping patients maintain their health with greater ease and reliability.

The REAN Smart Pillbox is a compact, handheld device that combines a water reservoir with an integrated pill dispenser, designed to simplify medication management. Equipped with LEDs and a buzzer, the dispenser provides timely alerts to ensure patients take their medication as scheduled. Connected to a mobile app, it allows caregivers or family members to easily program medication times and days. The dispenser then automatically reminds patients when it's time to take their medicine. Built-in sensors detect if the medication has been taken and monitor water levels, sending updates to the app via Bluetooth. With the dispenser refilled weekly by a caregiver, patients can easily access their medications without needing to remember specific names or dosages.

The REAN Smart Pillbox will enhance the continuum of care, streamlining medication management and hydration tracking to ensure consistent adherence. It simplifies the process for patients, while empowering caregivers and healthcare providers to effectively monitor progress. This innovative tool bridges the gap between routine adherence and overall well-being, helping patients stay on track for better health outcomes. We seek to collaborate with partners to scale this initiative globally, leveraging the REAN Smart Pillbox to serve communities worldwide.
