Work From Home Hacks To Stay Fit & Fab
It's not surprising to see how much the pandemic can throw a wrench into your everyday life. You might be cooped up at home, unable to work out or sleep well because you're too worried about everything else going on around you. But, these three things are still important during COVID-19:
- Eating healthy food (you can easily cook some healthy food at home)
- Sticking with light exercise routines (a few simple yoga poses will do the trick)
- Making sure good old-fashioned restful sleep comes easy (ensure that you eliminate all those gadget distractions before bedtime)
Staying fit while working from home need not be so hard. You can do it with a little bit of commitment and love for yourself. Here is an expert-backed guide on how to stay calm, healthy, and fit even while maintaining social distancing. Yes, we know you've always wanted to know it!
Also Read: Exercise- The Best Way To Embrace Health
Smart Health-Care Tips For Working From Home
As per the latest report by Forbes, the percentage of people working permanently from home will be doubled in 2021. Also, 74% of companies are planning to shift employees to remote work after the pandemic draws its curtains.
One of the major changes the COVID-19 pandemic and remote working culture have made in our lifestyle will be the drastic change in our daily routine. This sudden change in routine can topple the work-life balance and make it fall apart like a house of cards. Getting the work done is definitely important. But, staying healthy is also equally important. So here are some golden tips to stay fit and fab:
- Set A Schedule & Follow It
If you want to stay healthy and motivated, setting a schedule for the day is essential. If this means getting up 1 or 2 hours before the working hours start, then do it! You should also try not to change any routine that worked well when you were working from the office — including working out at night, dressing up for work, or showering right after you wake up in the morning. This will help break the psychological barrier between your home and work life.
Workaholics beware: when your designated work-related tasks and work timings are over, it's time to stop! Make sure you're sticking to the schedule so that it will leave enough energy for other activities. Turn off notifications from your phone and computer so as not to be pulled back to work after hours.
- Take A Break, Stroll Around
Don't forget to take your breaks! Without the social cues from work, such as seeing people leaving for lunch or coffee breaks, we are more likely to sit at our computers all day without taking a break. Ensure that you take a small break every one or two hours (if needed, use an alarm to remind you). Try engaging in unfocused activities during these idle moments like chatting with your close buddy, going for a walk, or listening to music. You can even meditate a bit if the work is getting stressful.
- Socialize & Share A Light Moment
Life as a remote worker can get lonely. If you're unwell or trying to ensure that you stay healthy, it might not be the best idea to socialize in person with others. Also, with the pandemic looming large, stepping outside and meeting people is a strict no-no. Socializing is still important, though!
Loneliness, depression, isolation, and disconnection can be the worst after-effects of remote working. Hence, try to break the ice and socialize. Try meeting people online who share common interests so that you don't feel isolated — this will help keep stress levels low too! You can even plan in-person retreats or a zoom call with all your colleagues for a fun game session online.
- Plan Your Meals, Check Your Pantry
Work is hectic, and working from home can be even more so. One thing you cannot afford to forget is eating timely healthy meals — work might just pop up at any time! So take inventory of what ingredients are already in your pantry when planning a meal for the day. Check if anything needs soaking/ordering beforehand. Make sure there's an adequate amount of starches (rice, pasta), proteins (chicken, lentils) as well as produce like seasonal veggies or fruits. This will help plan a nutritious meal consisting primarily of carbs and protein with some fruit garnish on top — just perfect!
Snacking and eating are common responses to boredom or stress. To prevent this, keep a schedule of what time you'll eat snacks and meals. This will stop you from snacking too often without being aware of the fact that you are playing with your health. After all, your well-being matters the most!
- Walk A Bit, Run A Bit
It's true that it would be difficult to hit the gym during the pandemic. But, you can still walk a bit, stroll in your park, and maybe jog around in your living room. You can even go biking if you can maintain a safe distance from others. Also, fitness instructors and gyms are offering virtual classes nowadays. Join in one of those virtual classes and start focusing on your fitness.
Don't worry if you don't have any gym equipment at home. A wine bottle can quickly transform into weight, and dish towels can be multi-purposed as a slider. Also, there are a number of no-equipment exercises that one can do in even the smallest space. You can go for squats, sit-ups, burpees, push-ups, and planks. Mountain climbers may also be incorporated to add variety to your routine! Choose any 5 exercises and do them 3 to 5 times a day. Remember, even a minute of exercise counts!
- Stay Hydrated, Eat Healthy
Drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables (they're good for your heart). Ensure that you don't overdo the salt or sugar intake. Your bread should be whole grain, not white. Exercise at least 150 minutes a week. You can opt for moderate-intensity exercises like walking. If you want to get fit and look fabulous, go for 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity exercises. You can even combine both to stay healthy and fit.
- Attending Calls? Get Up And Walk!
Every time you're on a brief call, get up and start walking in your room. If you get an opportunity to make suggestions, ask if it's possible for the team to do video calls or fitness challenges. One person can challenge the other person by reciting their monthly targets during a plank challenge. Then the next person can join and take up another fitness challenge.
Trust Technology To Help You In Keeping Yourself Active
Struggling hard to keep up with your fitness plans? Technology can be your savior in distress! Fitness tracking and health apps are the new ways to stay healthy in today's world. The recent boom of these types of applications has given both professionals and normal individuals an unprecedented number of ways to monitor health, manage fitness goals, and remain active for a healthier life! Be it a tablet, smartphone, or cellphone, all can be used to get quick access to doctors, laboratories, and drugstores. Here are some advanced technological tools that can help you stay fit:
Stay On Track With Fitness Trackers
There are a variety of apps that help you monitor workouts, track diets, fitness, and exercise schedules. You can even make it more fun by connecting with your family or friends using the app, tracking each other's progress, and by challenging each other. If you love cycling or jogging, you can opt for apps with GPS capabilities to log your runs and check your cycling routes.
Get Monitored By Workout Monitors
A personal trainer in your pocket! The workout monitors have everything you need to stay on top of your workout plan. And, there are so many different subscription-based services available that it's simply hard not to get excited! From ab workouts that will make those abs pop like nobody's business or back workout for people who love their backs as much as they do their biceps—you'll find something perfect for every workout need of yours!
Embrace Peace With Mindfulness App
Stress can steal away your sleep like no other. Meditation and yoga can be the best medicine for stress. You just need to have a small, uncluttered space inside your home. Just join an online yoga class and get started. You can also rely on mindfulness apps to get expert virtual mindfulness therapy and training by professional instructors.
Sleep Better With Sleep Cycle Tracker
It's hard to stay fit and active if you're not getting a proper night's sleep. There are apps that track how much you sleep every night. It can also assess the quality of your sleeping habits and identify any potential issues with your cycle. Better rest and better sleep mean better workouts!
Master Yoga With Yoga Apps
Yoga is a lifelong pursuit that will keep your body healthy and in shape as you age. You can easily download yoga apps and start learning yoga using them. These apps can teach you more than 200 poses, with illustrations of the best way each pose should look like when done by beginners to experts. You can also log your progress on these applications!
Get Reminded By Stretch/Water Reminders
There are apps that come as open-source, multi-platform applications. They make it quite easy to remind yourself to take a break while sitting glued to the computer screen. Using these apps, you can set reminders to take a break, have a sip of water or do a simple stretch. Even if you are trying to make a habit or break one, these apps will help you set custom reminders for the same.
Stay Active, Stay Fit & Stay Happy With Smart Healthcare Apps
Working from home is becoming more and more common these days. If you're used to working in an office, you might find it difficult to adjust your schedule as a remote worker. The solution? Stay active! Go ahead and try these golden tips to see the difference! And, if you need any help, REAN Foundation is here to assist you! Our healthcare platform will help you track your health, get connected to medical professionals, and stay fit. Interested to know more? Talk to us!
Also Read : Tips for Better Self-Care to Combat the Pandemic Fatigue
It's not surprising to see how much the pandemic can throw a wrench into your everyday life. You might be cooped up at home, unable to work out or sleep well because you're too worried about everything else going on around you. But, these three things are still important during COVID-19:
- Eating healthy food (you can easily cook some healthy food at home)
- Sticking with light exercise routines (a few simple yoga poses will do the trick)
- Making sure good old-fashioned restful sleep comes easy (ensure that you eliminate all those gadget distractions before bedtime)
Staying fit while working from home need not be so hard. You can do it with a little bit of commitment and love for yourself. Here is an expert-backed guide on how to stay calm, healthy, and fit even while maintaining social distancing. Yes, we know you've always wanted to know it!
Also Read: Exercise- The Best Way To Embrace Health
Smart Health-Care Tips For Working From Home
As per the latest report by Forbes, the percentage of people working permanently from home will be doubled in 2021. Also, 74% of companies are planning to shift employees to remote work after the pandemic draws its curtains.
One of the major changes the COVID-19 pandemic and remote working culture have made in our lifestyle will be the drastic change in our daily routine. This sudden change in routine can topple the work-life balance and make it fall apart like a house of cards. Getting the work done is definitely important. But, staying healthy is also equally important. So here are some golden tips to stay fit and fab:
- Set A Schedule & Follow It
If you want to stay healthy and motivated, setting a schedule for the day is essential. If this means getting up 1 or 2 hours before the working hours start, then do it! You should also try not to change any routine that worked well when you were working from the office — including working out at night, dressing up for work, or showering right after you wake up in the morning. This will help break the psychological barrier between your home and work life.
Workaholics beware: when your designated work-related tasks and work timings are over, it's time to stop! Make sure you're sticking to the schedule so that it will leave enough energy for other activities. Turn off notifications from your phone and computer so as not to be pulled back to work after hours.
- Take A Break, Stroll Around
Don't forget to take your breaks! Without the social cues from work, such as seeing people leaving for lunch or coffee breaks, we are more likely to sit at our computers all day without taking a break. Ensure that you take a small break every one or two hours (if needed, use an alarm to remind you). Try engaging in unfocused activities during these idle moments like chatting with your close buddy, going for a walk, or listening to music. You can even meditate a bit if the work is getting stressful.
- Socialize & Share A Light Moment
Life as a remote worker can get lonely. If you're unwell or trying to ensure that you stay healthy, it might not be the best idea to socialize in person with others. Also, with the pandemic looming large, stepping outside and meeting people is a strict no-no. Socializing is still important, though!
Loneliness, depression, isolation, and disconnection can be the worst after-effects of remote working. Hence, try to break the ice and socialize. Try meeting people online who share common interests so that you don't feel isolated — this will help keep stress levels low too! You can even plan in-person retreats or a zoom call with all your colleagues for a fun game session online.
- Plan Your Meals, Check Your Pantry
Work is hectic, and working from home can be even more so. One thing you cannot afford to forget is eating timely healthy meals — work might just pop up at any time! So take inventory of what ingredients are already in your pantry when planning a meal for the day. Check if anything needs soaking/ordering beforehand. Make sure there's an adequate amount of starches (rice, pasta), proteins (chicken, lentils) as well as produce like seasonal veggies or fruits. This will help plan a nutritious meal consisting primarily of carbs and protein with some fruit garnish on top — just perfect!
Snacking and eating are common responses to boredom or stress. To prevent this, keep a schedule of what time you'll eat snacks and meals. This will stop you from snacking too often without being aware of the fact that you are playing with your health. After all, your well-being matters the most!
- Walk A Bit, Run A Bit
It's true that it would be difficult to hit the gym during the pandemic. But, you can still walk a bit, stroll in your park, and maybe jog around in your living room. You can even go biking if you can maintain a safe distance from others. Also, fitness instructors and gyms are offering virtual classes nowadays. Join in one of those virtual classes and start focusing on your fitness.
Don't worry if you don't have any gym equipment at home. A wine bottle can quickly transform into weight, and dish towels can be multi-purposed as a slider. Also, there are a number of no-equipment exercises that one can do in even the smallest space. You can go for squats, sit-ups, burpees, push-ups, and planks. Mountain climbers may also be incorporated to add variety to your routine! Choose any 5 exercises and do them 3 to 5 times a day. Remember, even a minute of exercise counts!
- Stay Hydrated, Eat Healthy
Drink plenty of water, eat lots of fruits and vegetables (they're good for your heart). Ensure that you don't overdo the salt or sugar intake. Your bread should be whole grain, not white. Exercise at least 150 minutes a week. You can opt for moderate-intensity exercises like walking. If you want to get fit and look fabulous, go for 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity exercises. You can even combine both to stay healthy and fit.
- Attending Calls? Get Up And Walk!
Every time you're on a brief call, get up and start walking in your room. If you get an opportunity to make suggestions, ask if it's possible for the team to do video calls or fitness challenges. One person can challenge the other person by reciting their monthly targets during a plank challenge. Then the next person can join and take up another fitness challenge.
Trust Technology To Help You In Keeping Yourself Active
Struggling hard to keep up with your fitness plans? Technology can be your savior in distress! Fitness tracking and health apps are the new ways to stay healthy in today's world. The recent boom of these types of applications has given both professionals and normal individuals an unprecedented number of ways to monitor health, manage fitness goals, and remain active for a healthier life! Be it a tablet, smartphone, or cellphone, all can be used to get quick access to doctors, laboratories, and drugstores. Here are some advanced technological tools that can help you stay fit:
Stay On Track With Fitness Trackers
There are a variety of apps that help you monitor workouts, track diets, fitness, and exercise schedules. You can even make it more fun by connecting with your family or friends using the app, tracking each other's progress, and by challenging each other. If you love cycling or jogging, you can opt for apps with GPS capabilities to log your runs and check your cycling routes.
Get Monitored By Workout Monitors
A personal trainer in your pocket! The workout monitors have everything you need to stay on top of your workout plan. And, there are so many different subscription-based services available that it's simply hard not to get excited! From ab workouts that will make those abs pop like nobody's business or back workout for people who love their backs as much as they do their biceps—you'll find something perfect for every workout need of yours!
Embrace Peace With Mindfulness App
Stress can steal away your sleep like no other. Meditation and yoga can be the best medicine for stress. You just need to have a small, uncluttered space inside your home. Just join an online yoga class and get started. You can also rely on mindfulness apps to get expert virtual mindfulness therapy and training by professional instructors.
Sleep Better With Sleep Cycle Tracker
It's hard to stay fit and active if you're not getting a proper night's sleep. There are apps that track how much you sleep every night. It can also assess the quality of your sleeping habits and identify any potential issues with your cycle. Better rest and better sleep mean better workouts!
Master Yoga With Yoga Apps
Yoga is a lifelong pursuit that will keep your body healthy and in shape as you age. You can easily download yoga apps and start learning yoga using them. These apps can teach you more than 200 poses, with illustrations of the best way each pose should look like when done by beginners to experts. You can also log your progress on these applications!
Get Reminded By Stretch/Water Reminders
There are apps that come as open-source, multi-platform applications. They make it quite easy to remind yourself to take a break while sitting glued to the computer screen. Using these apps, you can set reminders to take a break, have a sip of water or do a simple stretch. Even if you are trying to make a habit or break one, these apps will help you set custom reminders for the same.
Stay Active, Stay Fit & Stay Happy With Smart Healthcare Apps
Working from home is becoming more and more common these days. If you're used to working in an office, you might find it difficult to adjust your schedule as a remote worker. The solution? Stay active! Go ahead and try these golden tips to see the difference! And, if you need any help, REAN Foundation is here to assist you! Our healthcare platform will help you track your health, get connected to medical professionals, and stay fit. Interested to know more? Talk to us!
Also Read : Tips for Better Self-Care to Combat the Pandemic Fatigue