Aging Gracefully With Smart Technology
No matter how much you try, you cannot possibly stop aging. As life expectancy increases, we face a health care dilemma, especially when managing disease among older adults dealing with chronic and lifestyle-related disorders. Getting timely access to healthcare is the need of the hour, and this is where technology has a large role to […]

Healthy Habits to Keep Osteoporosis Away
Following a healthy diet and having a BMI in the normal range is crucial in the early years of your life. As age advances, you need to switch over to a healthy lifestyle. You need to maintain a healthy lifestyle and ensure that you remain physically fit. And, let us also tell you the truth- […]

Combat Chronic Ailments With Lifestyle Changes
An innovative health companion app and bot that allow you to manage health conditions at home, share progress with your care network and access insightful tips from reliable medical sources.