Dealing With Anxiety - Can Your Diet Make The Difference?
Globally, general anxiety disorders are among the most prevalent mental health problems. If you are feeling anxious today, you are not alone. Anxiety can be due to many things, from stressors at work to the foods we eat. Physical and emotional symptoms can manifest in the body in different ways. Symptoms vary, and some people […]

Managing Health at Home Becomes Easy with REAN HealthGuru Mobile App
We all know that chronic diseases, if managed efficiently, can allow a person to lead a life of high quality. When the condition is monitored and

Going Futuristic: How AI is Transforming Healthcare
As the healthcare industry regroups and restrategizes for a post-covid world, one thing is certain. Digital transformation of healthcare has become a priority. The growing demand for timely healthcare access has widened the scope of technology-enabled healthcare solutions tremendously. It is to be noted that next-generation healthcare banks on emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, […]

Use of technology in COVID-19 management
In Mar 2020, WHO declared the Covid-19 infection outbreak as a global pandemic. Since then, there have been several first and second-order effects that deeply impacted patients,

Immune-Boosting Foods For A Healthy Body
An innovative health companion app and bot that allow you to manage health conditions at home, share progress with your care network and access insightful tips from reliable medical sources.

Are You at a Higher Risk of Experiencing Complications if You Get Infected with COVID-19?
In the current scenario where depression, anxiety, and other mental issues are becoming increasingly common, individual well-being is a priceless possession. And it can