{"id":7699,"date":"2022-10-20T05:01:35","date_gmt":"2022-10-20T05:01:35","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.reanfoundation.org\/?p=7699"},"modified":"2024-02-27T11:48:36","modified_gmt":"2024-02-27T11:48:36","slug":"maternal-health-child-undernutrition-challenges-solutions","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.reanfoundation.org\/maternal-health-child-undernutrition-challenges-solutions\/","title":{"rendered":"Maternal Health & Child Undernutrition: Challenges & Solutions"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Burden of Maternal & Child Malnutrition: Is There a Silver Lining?<\/h2>\n

Eons have passed, and yet the world remains far from being free of malnutrition, particularly maternal and child malnutrition. UNICEF<\/a> estimates that nearly half of all deaths in children under the age of five are due to malnutrition, which makes them more vulnerable to infections and delayed recovery.<\/p>\n

It is heart-wrenching to know that undernutrition due to extreme starvation is one of the biggest killers of babies and young children all over the world. Equally pathetic is the state of maternal health in developing and under-developed countries.<\/p>\n

We may point fingers at many reasons or raise a hue and cry over the general lack of financial independence and education in women. However, neither are solutions to a problem that's plagued the world for centuries. It is high time we implemented stringent measures to change the fate of maternal health and child undernutrition all over the world.<\/p>\n

It's time to understand why.<\/p>\n

Child Malnutrition: The Underlying Causes & Consequences<\/h2>\n

Malnutrition is a condition where the body is deprived of essential micro and macronutrients required to maintain overall health and bodily functions. It is not a disease or disorder but more of an indication of undernourishment inhibiting normal growth. Anyone can become malnourished, regardless of their age.<\/p>\n

According to the World Health Organization<\/a>, physical conditions like obesity and overweight also come under malnutrition. Since children and infants are particularly vulnerable to malnutrition, the WHO advises optimizing your child's nutritional needs within the first thousand days.<\/p>\n

Severe Acute Malnutrition or SAM<\/strong><\/p>\n

WHO defines SAM as very low body weight for the height of the adult or child. Severe acute malnutrition is a child killer. Children with this condition require immediate medical treatment because it can cause organ damage, blurred vision, and muscle wasting.<\/p>\n

Without a doubt, hunger is the biggest cause of malnutrition. However, it can also happen due to the following:<\/p>\n

1. Inadequate nutritional intake<\/strong><\/p>\n

In many cases, the child does not receive the required calories due to obvious reasons like:<\/p>\n